Image of a PVC frame with a blueprint grid in the background
The fun thing about lighting for video and photography is that you get to be creative in how you approach your projects and you’re only limited by your imagination. Think about it, you are exposing the pixels on your camera sensor to light, which is plentiful and easy to...
Ready for some good news? There’s a whole class of lighting equipment you can buy with great confidence knowing that it really doesn’t matter which kind of lights you end up buying! We're talking about lighting accessories such as reflectors, diffusers, and color correcting gels. These classic lighting tools...
You wouldn't paint every fine art piece with a roller and broom, so why light all your scenes with 1000-watt tungstens or 4-foot florescent panels? Sometimes your scene requires a little finesse along with a gentle touch. Just as a master artist uses fine oils applied with natural brushes,...
Portable Lighting Equipment
The best equipment in the world isn't any good if it's too big or heavy to take with you. It is with this in mind that we are going to learn about a location kit that includes enough equipment to shoot a full blown production but that can separate...
Studios can save a lot of time in a shooting schedule. In order to set up your own, we'll show you what to consider when choosing a studio space such as size, electricity, and sound so that you can make a studio that not only makes your life easier,...
Lighting on the Cheap Side
If you're just starting out in video production and you're looking to get some lighting kits, things can get quite expensive. It's easy to get frustrated when a good light kit can cost so much. With this in mind, let's look at how to build an inexpensive studio lighting...
The Future of Lighting: LED vs. Fluorescent vs. Incandescent
If there's one constant in this world, it might just be that technology is always changing. The second you feel as if you may finally have a handle on it all, it changes so much that you have to just about start at square one. The same goes for...
What is Lux?
Lux is a pretty cool word; just saying lux sounds expensive. But, unlike diamonds where bigger is better, smaller is better in the world of lux and camcorders. Smaller lux rating = better camcorder. But not so fast; unlike the lux rating assigned to your camcorder, where smaller is...
Video and Photography Light Reflectors
So, you're thinking about going green with your life. Perhaps a car with better fuel economy, and outfitting your home with energy-efficient lighting and even installing solar. Well, why not consider green technology with your video lighting as well? What's that you say? How am I going to get...
We often receive letters from readers asking, "What the heck is that doohickey...?" "Do I really need that whatchamacallit...?" So, here's a quick primer on light kit accessories - what they are, what they do and why you would use them. You're thinking of buying a new lighting kit and...