Editing audio for video is an art in which an audio editor might spend an entire career perfecting. While there are tons of tricks to the sound effects trade, there are a few simple filters and effects that every editor should know about and learn to use. Here are...
Audio Sweetening
Some people prefer their coffee black, but many of us use at least a little cream and/or sugar to smooth it out a bit. The same is true with video sound. You may have captured a solid recording, but with a little tweaking here and there, it can be...
You've captured great audio and brought it into the editing timeline where you've synchronized and cleaned it up even further. For one final touch before releasing your masterpiece to the masses, we'll show you how to design a professional sound mix in post, using ducking, frequency gaps and normalization...
Audio Levels
The popularity of HDSLRs, GoPros and other compact video cameras come with a new surge of interest in audio recording. Since many of these cameras record meager audio at best, it's become common to go the extra mile and record audio on another device such as a portable recorder...
Digital Audio Sampling
Have you ever wondered how audio signals get from the microphone to the tape or memory card? It's a mysterious process, rich with history, drama and intrigue. OK, it's not really like that, but it is a pretty interesting procedure that's been refined over the years. Whether you shoot...
Sound FX: Think Outside the Source
Sometimes a source making one sound can be perceived as something else entirely, if you don't know what it is. Things are not always as they sound. What do you hear when you see a huge knife slice through a big, wet head of lettuce? What about when you...
Using a Virtual Mixing Board
How do you mix the soundtrack for your video projects? There are several ways. You could normalize each track to some arbitrary volume level and leave it at that. Another option is exporting all the audio tracks individually, mixing them in an audio-only program and importing the resulting file...
Audio Dubbing
In ancient times, mankind practiced the mysterious ritual of audio dubbing to videotape. With fear and trepidation, video editors pressed the Audio Dub button on their recorders and prayed to the gods that everything would work. This required a level of skill and craftsmanship that is unknown in the...
You're watching your favorite action flick. The hero has rescued the hostage and they're blasting through rush-hour traffic on a motorcycle. Close behind them, the bad guys follow in a hot-rodded SUV, shooting hundreds of rounds of ammunition. Cars flip and explode, engines race and yet, you can hear...
Digital Audio Sampling
On the video side, we deal with image sizes, aspect ratios, zoom settings, f-stops and frame rates. The audio side has its numbers too, but they're a bit easier to wrap your head around.Isn't All Audio Digital Today? Back in olden times, audio was recorded to analog tape. For the...