Focus More on Focus
Unlike color balance or underexposure, which you can fiddle in post, you get only one shot at getting your focus right. Focus isn't everything, but it's close. Of all the things that impact the effectiveness of your shot, focus is at the very top of the list. Focus isn't...
Charlie discusses lens filters you can use when shooting your footage.
Buttons, More Buttons
Some camcorders have a plethora of buttons, others are menu-driven. Many name a button control one thing, and others call it something else. It's time for the Button Game. Everybody knows you're a professional. You have three Emmys and last year you got footage of the mayor taking a bribe...
How does Shutter Speed Affect your Video Production
Most of us don't think twice about the shutter speed that our video camera is using. True: it can be set to manual, but since the camera can automatically take care of it, why should we bother? The answer is that you gain control. And you get control over...
Home Video Hints: In-Camera Effects
Take a moment to cast your mind into the recent past. Remember the last big Hollywood movie you watched? Remember the characters? How they made you laugh or cry, grab the seat in terror or turn your head in tense anticipation? Okay, now think a little more. How was the...